Those days are gone!

In golden echoes, memories do dwell,
Whispered tales of a time we once knew well.
Those days are gone, like fleeting rays of sun,
Yet their essence lingers, forever to be spun.

Oh, those days of youth, adorned with innocence,
When laughter danced, painting life’s vibrant canvas.
Like blossoms kissed by spring’s sweet embrace,
Moments we cherished, now but a trace.

The sunsets painted skies in hues divine,
As we embraced life’s tapestry, intertwine.
Through fields of dreams, we wandered free,
Unaware of the passage of time’s decree.

With youthful hearts, we soared on dreams’ wings,
Unfettered by worries, embracing life’s swings.
Together we reveled, hand in hand we’d roam,
Unaware those days were not ours to own.

But seasons change, as whispers softly fade,
Leaving behind a nostalgic serenade.
Like sand slipping through an hourglass’s embrace,
Those days are gone, leaving a void to retrace.

Yet in our hearts, their essence shall reside,
An ember of warmth that will never subside.
For though the tapestry of time unfurls,
The beauty of those days forever twirls.

So let us reminisce, with a bittersweet smile,
Embracing the memories that make life worthwhile.
For in the tapestry of those days we’ve known,
A timeless beauty, forever to be shown.

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